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In-Pool Furniture in Louisiana: A Guide to Style and Durability

[] Apr 29, 2024 2:17:00 PM / by Casual Creations posted in Pool Furniture


Is there anything better than taking a dip in your pool on a balmy summer day? Your pool is likely your favorite place during hot South Louisiana summer days, but it can be more than just a place to swim. It can be a space to relax and entertain, spend time with family and friends, unwind from the week, and enjoy a reprieve from the summer sun. Adding furniture specifically designed for your pool in a shallow area or tanning ledge provides the perfect set-up to enjoy all that your pool has to offer.


Baton Rouge Pool Furniture: Tips for Making the Best Selection

[] Jun 19, 2022 12:30:00 PM / by Casual Creations posted in Pool Furniture


When it comes to spending time around the pool, relaxing out of the water is just as important as relaxing in it. If you have a pool, it’s the epicenter of your yard; designed to entertain, unwind, and create a comforting, ambient atmosphere. Selecting the right patio furniture to go around your pool can enhance both the luxury and functionality of your outdoor space. Whether you are looking for something comfortable to sit in or lay on, a small table for your favorite book, or a large table to gather around poolside, here are four key things to look for when shopping for pool furniture.