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Electronic Fireplaces in Baton Rouge:  6 Advantages of an Electric Fireplace

[] Oct 18, 2019 7:52:14 AM / by Casual Creations

electric fireplaces in baton rougeAlthough the opportunities are few and far between in south Louisiana, few things are nicer than cozying up next to a warm fireplace. A fireplace sets the many moods of autumn and winter, from enjoying a movie or football game on a cold evening to gathering around the warmth on Thanksgiving afternoon and Christmas morning; it’s hard to replace the atmosphere that these amenities create. Whether you need a fireplace, are do for an upgrade, or are looking for an easier, more efficient fireplace option, an electric fireplace offers a lot of benefits.


Low Maintenance Electric Fireplaces

 A wood-burning fireplace will enjoyable, comes with a lot of necessary upkeep. Real fire fueled by real wood creates ash and fumes. As these elements travel up your chimney, it creates soot. This residue will require your chimney to be cleaned. This responsibility, as well as cleaning up pieces of wood and as from around the fireplace, can become quite a chore. Because electric fireplaces don’t require wood and don’t generate fumes, smoke, ash, or soot, the among maintenance needed is virtually zero. There is no chimney to clean, no wood to carry, no ash to clean, and no fumes to deal with.


Energy-Efficient Electric Fireplaces

 Supplemental heating is a great way to keep your utility bill low during the winter. Running your home’s heater can take a toll on your wallet. An electric fireplace can help you warm a space in your home without inflating your electric bill. 


Affordable Electric Fireplaces

 Installing or rebuilding a fireplace can be an expensive project. However, electric fireplaces can be very budget-friendly. When you factor in the costs of ownership of a traditional fireplace, like chimney cleaning, firewood, etc., electric fireplaces have a lot to offer.


Variety of Electric Fireplaces Design Choices

 Electric fireplaces are available in many shapes, sizes, and styles. This means that there is an electric fireplace out there that will fit perfectly with your taste. Whether you are looking for a more traditional option like a mantled fireplace, or something contemporary, an electric fireplace can meet all of your aesthetic needs.


Electric Fireplace Safety

Fireplaces can pose some danger, especially if you have small children. From fumes to high heat, many scenarios can unfold. Many of these risks can be mitigated with an electric fireplace. Children can’t burn themselves on an electric fireplace. There are no plumes of smoke or other fumes. There are automatic shutoff options, so you don’t need to worry about a flame reigniting or a fire being left on. 


Electric Fireplace Durability

 Electric fireplaces aren’t susceptible to corrosion or rust, which means they last a very long time. Even after years of use, they continue to perform and appear in perfect condition.


If this is the winter you decide to add or update your home’s fireplace, the experts at Casual Creations are here to help.


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Topics: Fireplaces

Casual Creations

Written by Casual Creations