There’s nothing like the aroma and warmth of a freshly lit fire. The light from the flame, the crackle from the wood, and the overall experience are all distinct to south Louisiana’s brief winters. However, before you ignite that first log of the season, there are few things you need to know to make sure your fires are safe and efficient. While gas logs and electric inserts offer a relatively turnkey fire operation, wood-burning fireplaces create a different type of atmosphere and require a few more steps for preparation. Here are a few things to ensure a well-working fireplace.
How to Prepare Your Firewood
The key ingredient of a wood burning fireplace is wood. Knowing the best type of wood to burn and how to prepare it is very important. Hardwood is the best type of wood for your fireplace. Oak, ash, and birch will burn hotter for longer. These types of wood also have less sap, which results in less buildup. Be sure to split your wood in a size that is appropriate for the size of your fireplace. Keep the diameter to less than 6” for proper burning. When you stack your firewood, stack it split side down and off of the ground; this allows air to circulate around the wood.
Starting a Wood Burning Fireplace
Knowing the safe and correct way to start a fire in your wood burning fireplace is an essential skill. Begin by starting a small fire with dry kindling. Once ignited, add a few pieces of wood, making sure that the fire has plenty of access to air. Let this small fire burn to heat the chimney before you add more wood. As you add more firewood, be sure to keep space in between the wood, as this creates a consistent, longer, hotter fire.
Keep Your Fireplace Maintained
Most of us don’t use our fireplaces often due to the climate in South Louisiana, and for this exact reason, it’s even more important to make sure that they’re ready when we need them. A clean chimney reduces the risk of chimney fires and provides a quality draft. To help keep the chimney clean, make sure that the fireplace interior is clean. Burning wood creates buildup and deposits of dust, dirt, ash, soot, and other elements. You should also keep an eye out for smoke. Your fireplace is designed to keep smoke out of your home. A buildup of the aforementioned contaminants, along with a dirty chimney, can force smoke into your home. If your chimney has a cap, be sure to inspect it before you light up your fireplace for the first time this season. The cap prevents small animals and debris from entering your chimney. It’s common for dust and dirt to accumulate near the cap. Removing this debris will enhance airflow and the overall performance of your chimney.
These are only a few things to know about your wood-burning fireplace but will get you started on a safe, warm, enjoyable winter in your home. For any of your fireplace or fire pit needs, the experts at Casual Creations are here to help.